2. Or they spot us in the comment section of posts.
This process will ensure that your future clients can find you in moments of opportunity when they're searching for you.
This process won't help with #2 but I have a process that will, just ask me for it!
Then I write your Headline, About-Me, & Services Section.
I will also fix your Featured and Skills Sections.
Then we meet for our second 60 minute session to make sure you know how to implement all of the copy and instructions I will be giving you (since I will not be logging onto your LinkedIn myself).
Not only will your profile be optimized for increased impressions, engagements and followers, in our second session we will discuss ways you can attract your ideal client through your content. We will work together to establish content pillars + themes so you are confident and inspired when it comes time to post!
2 60 minute Zoom sessions, recorded and sent to you after.
Custom Headline, About-Me, & Services Section
Featured & Skills Sections
Help implementing optimization
Content planning
Optional Custom Banner Add-On**